Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

Two Goats - Short Story for Kids

Two Goats - Short Story for Kids

There was a river in a small village with a narrow bridge over it. 
Two Goats - Easy Short Story for Kids 
People used the bridge to cross over the river. The bridge was too narrow that only one person can cross at a time. 
One day, two goats wanted to cross over the bridge from the opposite direction. The goats met in the middle of the bridge. 
English Moral Short Story For Kids
The bridge was too narrow. There was no space for them to pass. They waited, but neither of them moved backward. 
One goat warned the other goat, "I am older and stronger than you, so go back once." 
Two Goats  - Short Story for Kids with Pictures
The other refused and said, "I am stronger. You are old and will take a lot of time to cross the bridge."
Soon, their argument turned into a fight. One goat struck the other goat with his horns. 
Two Goats   - Online Short Story for kids
The second goat was shocked. He knew if they continued fighting, then they would fall off the bridge and drown. He shouted out to the other goat, "Stop! If we fight, we will fall into the river and drown. Instead, I shall lie down, and you may walk over me." 
The wise goat then lay down on the bridge, and the other goat walked carefully over him.
Two Goats - Short Kids Story
So they finally went past each other and were on their way back home.

Moral Of the Story:  People Who Think Wise Won’t Get Into Unnecessary trouble.
                                           A Wise Man Makes His Own Decisions.
The Art of Being Wise is The Art of Knowing What to Overlook - William James 

You can also download this story in PDF.
I hope you all enjoyed the moral story  Two Goats - Short Story for Kids.
Read More Short Stories for Kids from this website

Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 07, 2020

Alice in Wonderland - Short Story for Kids

Alice in Wonderland - Short Story for Kids

On a sunny day Alice and her sister went out on a walk in the fields and as her sister was reading a book, Alice got very bored. Suddenly she saw a white bunny that was in a hurry.
She was so curious and went after the bunny. The bunny went through a hole in a tree trunk and Alice followed him. Suddenly she found herself falling in a very deep well.
Alice in Wonderland - Easy Short Stories for Kids 
Finally, she landed and saw a long corridor in front of her and started to walk where she saw many locked doors and the bunny disappeared.
She saw a little golden key on a table that fitted a small door being the curtain. She opened the door and saw a beautiful forest, but she couldn't fit through the door.
Alice notices a bottle in the table next to the key; she took the bottle and drank it. As she drank the potion she began to shrink. She got small and went through the door, where she saw the bunny again.
Alice in Wonderland  - Short Stories for Kids with Pictures
The bunny asked her to bring his gloves and hand fan from his house. Alice went to the bunny's house and found his gloves, hand fan and also saw a bottle of potion on the table. She thought the potion would bring her to normal size and she drank it.
Suddenly she became so big, the animals around the house started to throw stones inside the house. 
The stones thrown turned into small cakes. When Alice ate those cakes she started to shrink and got out of the house. But, she was upset as she was so small. 
English Short Stories for children - Alice in Wonderland 
On the way, she saw a blue caterpillar in the mushroom and asked the caterpillar what can she do to get back to her normal size?
The caterpillar said that one side of the mushroom its standing will make her grow and the other side will make her shrink. By eating both the mushroom she managed to come back to her normal size. 
Alice started to walk on the path where she saw a cat with a big smile; she asked the cat what's his name and where this path leads. 
The cat said it’s a Cheshire cat and the path leads to the Man Hatter and March Hare. After the little chat, the Cheshire cat disappeared slowly starting from his tail, only its face remained. 
Online Short Stories for Kids
Alice found the March Hare who was having tea with the Mad Hatter under a tree. She also saw a Dormouse sleeping in between them. When they saw Alice coming they opposed saying that there is no space available. But Alice said there was plenty of room. 
Man Hatter said if she wants to stay she has to answer a riddle. He asked Alice "why the crow looks like the desk". She asked him "why do you think". He replied, "I don't know".  Alice got upset with their stupid jokes and went away. 
Alice continued to walk, on the way she saw a tree with a door. She found a golden key which opened the door to a beautiful garden.  
Alice was very surprised to see the guards of the Queen of the hearts painting all the white roses to red as their queen doesn't like white roses and all the guards looked like playing cards. 
Alice in Wonderland  - Fairy Tales for kids
Right At that moment, the Queen came to the garden and invited Alice to play croquet. 
Alice was shocked to see hedgehogs used as balls and flamingos were used as Croco mullets in the game. Suddenly there was a fight between the players. 
Alice in Wonderland  - Short stories 4 Kids
The Queen got upset so she canceled the croquet party and headed towards the court.
The trial was about a jack of hearts who had stolen a pie from the Queen's kitchen. The king yelled from his seat "call the first witness". The first witness was Mad Hatter.
When he started to talk, Alice suddenly started to grow. The rabbit called for Alice to take the witness stand. 
The queen of hearts asked Alice to tell everything that she knows. "I don't know anything" Alice answered. The queen yelled seriously "you don't know, chop her head off". Alice got very upset and shouted.
Suddenly the king, queen, and all the playing cards started to fly towards Alice and became a big whirlpool of cards.
English Short Stories for children - Alice in Wonderland 
Finally, with the leaves flying all around her, she found herself on the field again.
Her sister called out Alice to wake up as she was in deep sleep. When Alice woke up she realized that everything was a dream. She said to herself that it was an amazing dream.        

You can also download this Fairy Tale in PDF
I hope you all enjoyed the story  Alice in Wonderland- Short Story For Kids.
Read More Short Stories for Kids from this website.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

May 19, 2018

Baa Baa Black Sheep - English Nursery Rhymes for Kids

Baa Baa Black Sheep - English Nursery Rhymes for Kids
Sharing makes our life happy Baa Baa
The more we share the more we have baa baa
Sharing makes our life happy baa baa...
Sharing is a way of Caring Baa Baa

Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, Yes Sir
Three Bags Full
One for the Master,
One for the Dame,
One for the Little Boy, Who lives Down the Lane.

Baa Baa White Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, Yes Sir
Three Bags Full
One for the Master,
One for the Dame,
One for the Little Girl, Who lives Down the Lane.

Baa Baa Brown Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, Yes Sir
Three Bags Full
One for the Master,
One for the Dame,
One for the Old man, Who lives Down the Lane.

Giving, Caring, Sharing, Helping Shows your way of loving
Loving, Caring, Sharing, Helping are our ways of living

Baa Baa All Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, Yes Sir
Many Bags Full
Some for my Master,
Some for my Future,
And the rest for Sharing, with the people on the Lanes.

I Hope you liked the rhymes Baa Baa Black Sheep - English Nursery Rhymes for Kids

For more English Nursery Rhymes, Fun Kids Activities and Short Stories visit

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 03, 2018

Thick and Thin - Fun Kids Activities

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Look at the picture below and answer the question by clicking the correct picture

Which is Thick?
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Which is Thin?
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Which is Thin?
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Which is Thick?
Error Img
Error Img

Which is Thick?
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Error Img

Which is Thin?
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Error Img

I Hope you liked my activity Tall or Short - Fun Kids Activities

For more Activity and Stories visit